Who is Miss Susan Brownell Anthony

Who is Miss Susan Brownell Anthony

Anthony, Susan B. Miss Susan Brownell Anthony was a female born in the United States partly a hundred and fifty years ago who spent all her life trying to improve anything she thought was wrong She came from New England, having been born in Adams, Massachusetts, in 1820other articles:Current gold pricesdavid letterman tickets

Who is Miss Susan Brownell Anthony

Who is Miss Susan Brownell Anthony

Anthony, Susan B. Miss Susan Brownell Anthony was a lady born in the United States halfway a hundred and fifty years ago who spent all her life trying to mend anything she impression was wrong She came from New England, having been born in Adams, Massachusetts, in 1820 In her younger years, Negroes were slaves in the southern states, and she fought against slavery She was also a captain in the temperance movement, which opposed the drinking of whiskey and additional alcoholic liquors, and in the woman’s suffrage movement, which was the effort to donate women the rectify to vote, when only men had enjoyed this fix before Both the temperance and the suffrage movements finally succeeded, though she did not live to see them; but the laws to own kin from having liquor lasted only a few years .

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